Creating a BNB-TRON bridge is a breeze, taking just a few seconds.
13 Oct 2023, 13:49
Creating a BNB-TRON bridge is a breeze, taking just a few seconds.
Connect your wallet and select the tokens you want to swap — it's that simple!
Same news in other sources
113 Oct 2023, 13:50
For a more detailed experience, we ensure everything is transparent for you: as the swap occurs, you'll see the specific stages it goes through. Checking hashes and monitoring confirmations can now be done right within the interface!
The better you control your assets, the more…
For a more detailed experience, we ensure everything is transparent for you: as the swap occurs, you'll see the specific stages
For a more detailed experience, we ensure everything is transparent for you: as the swap occurs, you'll see the specific stages it goes through. Checking hashes and monitoring confirmations can now be done right within the interface!
The better you control your assets, the more…